Your espresso machine works hard for you to satisfy your coffee needs, so it’s important to remember to care for it just as much as it does for you.
These cleaning tablets from Melitta ensure your espresso machine is sparkling clean and will continue making exceptional coffee. Say goodbye to coffee residue, coffee oils, and other deposits and hello to a longer lifespan for your machine.
Each pack comes with four tablets, so you have enough for four cleanings. For the best results, follow the cleaning instructions in your machine’s user manual. It is recommended that you clean your machine every 250 cups of coffee so you always get the best tasting coffee and a machine that runs smoothly.
Get your cleaning tabs now and give your machine the attention it deserves for its hard work!
Întreținere și curățare, Melitta
Melitta Cleaning Tablets
4 tabs for Espresso machines
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